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This look absolutely stunning! I love the character so much.

Glad you like it! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Sam is very versatile. He can be the common guy in one moment and a sword-swinging buccaneer in the next...
Six different costumes will completely change his appearance and give him additional skills.


Is there copy protection? I bought it, but what if someone posts the ROM internet?

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Thanks for purchasing Sam's Journey! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

There's no copy protection as it would only drive up the costs, and people would find a way around it anyway.

We put our money on the majority of loyal fans of retro-gaming who support us by buying our games, posting comments and reviews, and spreading the word.

I'm currently on the third boss, it's challenging and I'm not really enjoying it, so I'm trying to figure out if I should bother beating it. Without spoiling too much, is there substantial content (additional regular levels) after this, or am I at the end of the game anyway?

You have indeed reached the final boss, but we'd say it's still worth to beat it in order to see the game's ending! ๐Ÿ˜€

Any particular attack that you haven't found a way to handle yet?

I tried both NTSC and PAL versions on OpenEmu using two cores: Nestopia and FCEU. With Nestopia, the sound is a bit distorted with random slowdowns. The PAL version feels a bit smoother in terms of sound, but it's still distorted. However, with FCEU, I didn't get any video output at all with either the PAL or NTSC versions. ๐Ÿ˜ž

Has anyone tested the game in emulators? Or does anyone have a good experience with any emulators they can share?


The NTSC version is working fine for me in Nestopia. It's possible the sound is distored and I haven't noticed because I don't know what it's supposed to sound like—but I'm definitely not getting slowdown (and I think it sounds really good).

I'm also using OpenEmu, but it's a build based on 1.0.4 because I'm weird and run an ancient version of OS X. My Nestopia core is based on Nestopia v1.49 r967.


Yeah, it might be something wrong with my OpenEmu. It's visible on more challenging games as well. Now as I downloaded Nestopia port for macOS from Richard Bannister's website it works just fine. Thanks!

Glad it works! Enjoy the journey! ๐Ÿ™‚


In multi-platform emulators, the used cores are often some versions behind their stand-alone versions. You could try a current stand-alone version of nestopia or fceux and see if the problems still persist. Another new emulator worth trying out is Mesen2 which you can get here.

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Oh my god that opening theme is a banger! Have yet to really dig into this but very excited to, and extremely pleased you decided to release a digital version. Thanks!


Thanks, glad you like it! ๐Ÿ˜€ Have an awesome journey then. We think there are quite some NES fans out there who don't have access to the real hardware anymore. In order not to exclude them, a digital version was a matter of course.

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The music felt a little crunchy and weird. I couldn't get what it was going for. Otherwise, great game, playing it on my DSi right now! ๐Ÿ˜€

Thanks, glad you're enjoying it! ๐Ÿ˜€ Does the game, apart from the music, run smoothly on your DSi?

Well, I tried it out on my DSi(as mentioned before), but the starting image of Sam that's at the top of the page, some tiles couldn't load.